3d Records

26 Oct 2016

3d Records in Engine. Why should you Care?

This article is in progress, Unreal Engine is the curent engine the prototype 3drecord is imported into.

The following 2 images are from Blender 3d. They were early on influential into my decision to try importing turntables into Unreal Engine. The Technics turntable is a rendering of a download. I did buy a 3d model of a technics turntable from Turbo Squid. The record is actually a tutorial for blender by a South African gentleman. I intend to release all of my remixes and songs in a 3d game Engine with a possible Indiegogo or Kickstarter begging campaign to release certain works onto Vinyl.

Blender Blender2 Blender Record

Vinyl Record In Unreal4 Engine

Note: Include intial progress of my turntables in Unreal Engine add a link to configuring C++ and Unreal or visual studio

List of possible solutions: Midi addon for Unreal for automated lighting controls. Make a mention of Quixtel and Substance PBR material applications.

Published on 26 Oct 2016 Find me on Twitter!