3d Records in Engine. Why should you Care?
This article is in progress, Unreal Engine is the curent engine the prototype 3drecord is imported into.
The following 2 images are from Blender 3d. They were early on influential into my decision to try importing turntables into Unreal Engine. The Technics turntable is a rendering of a download. I did buy a 3d model of a technics turntable from Turbo Squid. The record is actually a tutorial for blender by a South African gentleman. I intend to release all of my remixes and songs in a 3d game Engine with a possible Indiegogo or Kickstarter begging campaign to release certain works onto Vinyl.
Note: Include intial progress of my turntables in Unreal Engine add a link to configuring C++ and Unreal or visual studio
List of possible solutions: Midi addon for Unreal for automated lighting controls. Make a mention of Quixtel and Substance PBR material applications.